Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Think globally, buy locally.

Did you know that the average distance your food travels from farm to plate is nearly 1,500 miles?  A huge amount of fossil fuel is used to transport foods such long distances, contributing to global climate change.  Even the refrigeration required to keep your food from spoiling consumes a significant amount of energy.

Consider buying from local farms or by visiting farmer's markets.  Local foods from small farms are fresher, undergo minimal processing and contain fewer preservatives than food shipped long distances.  When you shop, remember to bring reusable bags to tote your purchases.  Every year, Americans throw away 100 billion polyethylene plastic bags, and less than 1% of them are recycled.  The bags take up 1,000 years to dissolve; when they do, they leave dangerous toxins behind.  Experts say the bags also kill millions of animals every year.

Content provided by Sandra Park, Realtor: Mill Valley, CA  415-381-9696

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